Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

"Take me out to the ball game..."

Little League day today at the Mariners game.   Some of Fiona’s T-ball team were going to walk around the field before the game  and there was a conflict with Tatums soccer game so Nanna and Boppa got to go to the baseball game instead of Tatum and her Dad.    Got my fill of crowds, that’s for sure.. :-)  (and there are so far 42 flights of stairs recorded on my iphone app.—we sat in the 3 rd row from the tippy top of that beautiful stadium, which helped the numbers.)  Fiona loved it... was hoping to catch a ball so brought her mitt.  (not too likely where we were sitting!)

I’ve put a set on Flickr for her friends to see too…

However we left after 3 innings - we needed a rest!! - and Fi was done…and as I post this -4 hours after we left…it just ended in overtime in inning 12… Mariners lost to Cleveland Indians…

Too much activity for us.. -we’re headed back to the island and tranquility in the morning!

and I have a flickr question --I just noticed that 3 of my recent flickr albums have lost almost all of the photos.  Has this happened to anyone?  some other nuisance to attend to...

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