House Sparrow

Woke up to the sun shining this morning, so figured to start the yard work later in the day, but it's COLD out--only 45 degrees & windy--more like fall than spring, so I'll save that for another day! 
I saw the pair of cardinals under our bird feeder again this morning, but we were leaving for church so I didn't have time to get the camera & try to catch the 2 of them together. When we returned home after breakfast it was hard to get a shot of anything because the wind was blowing so hard that all the flowers were whipping all over the place & it was impossible to get the camera in focus. So I took this one of the little house sparrow sitting up on the wires. These are the most common bird in our area---they've lived around humans for centuries so are at home in the cities. They're always "cheep-cheeping" from their perch, be it fences, rooftops, trees or wires, & then hop down to peck at crumbs or eat all my birdseed....which is my Cardinal blend to feed the cardinals....although better the sparrows than the chipmunks I guess!!    :)

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