Clarity Wins

By oeilduchat


Work on the allotment never ends, but we enjoy the harvest!  The asparagus has been good this year; we might get one or two more stalks but they are shooting up and we will soon have to have posts and string around them to protect them from the wind.

Looking ahead, which this shot does, the artichokes we split are thriving and we will wait to see what happens.  We were advised by one of our allotment neighbours - an Italian - who is a very big expert on artichokes.  It's wonderful how advice ricochets around the 16 allotment holders. There is always someone who knows.  The strawberries behind are in flower which promises a month of non stop gorging, soon to be accompanied by gooseberries, black currents, red currents and then our autumn raspberries.

At the front, our first poppies.  We control them a bit, but later in the summer when we walk through the gate we will see this huge splash of red that will define our allotment from 300m.

Such joy.

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