We're friends really ...

N and I spent the evening down at T and K's.  Tess was giving Kiwi a warning look - Kiwi belonging to K and Tess is very much T's and our JR.  They are best of friends but Tess was just a touch possessive with me sitting there on the sofa, no growling or snapping though!

We went to a garden centre/farm shop this morning to buy some runner bean plants, the seeds N put in have not come up!  We passed the gypsy encampment on both sides of the lane, N hadn't seen where they had moved and settled.  They look out for the odd acre to buy but many farmers outbid them because they are afraid that if they move into their vicinity there will be a lot of theft such as happened with us and two other farms recently.  It is a pity but that is how it is until they stop and become law-abiding and less threatening.

Managed to mow half the lawn before the rains came and planted the bean seedlings.

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