Busy Friday

A busy day driving back from Manchester, marking, visiting Isla and Sarah before heading back to cook dinner for Joe before his night shift. I was exhausted and when I got back thinking a night on the sofa in front of the TV was in order I found the TV was broken and wouldn't switch on. Cue hormonal pregnant woman breakdown number 1. So far I had held it all together (in my opinion) but this was the straw that broke the camels back. Joe was so clam and just got up retrieved his tool kit and within about 10 mins he had solved the crisis. I really don't know what I would do without him. (I possibly would have gone to currys and bought a new one there and then). After I had calmed down I did feel like a crazy lady but a chat with some of my Mummy friends helped me feel like I am not the only one with a screw loose and at least we can all be nutters together. I do really love my friends. 

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