Cold Dark Matter....

One of the most impressive things I saw at the refurbished Whitworth Art Gallery was this amazing sculpture called 'Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View' by Cheshire artist Cornelia Parker. It's made of thousands of individual items that are suspended from the ceiling by fine fishing line. It's lit by a single light bulb at its centre. It must have been a trial to put up. The people who do it have to recreate the art work as conceived by the artist originally. It was created in 1991 and has been doing the rounds of the world's modern art galleries ever since. It's not the sort of thing you have at home. It had a room to itself and people were wandering around it watching it change from second to second as the individual parts moved in the movements in the air in the room created by the people watching as the moved about. It was fascinating. If you haven't seen it, and the rest of her exhibition, it's too late as it closes today. It's been part of a series of high profile exhibitions that have been lined up for the reopening of the gallery. There are, however, lots of other wonderful, beautiful things to see still.

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