Have a nice daye!

By Su5hma

Car reflection selfie

Quite liked this - and even though I took about 100 pix of waterfalls at the Birks of Aberfeldy and then a whole pile of pix of J at my mum's birthday night I decided to be selfish for a change and post a pic of me :-D

M was suddenly short handed for a DofE trip today so I got hauled out of bed to go along as a second adult - and then he found someone else to help! So as there was now no space in the bus I followed along behind, got a couple of pix of them heading out on to the water (I'm sure he will take me out on the water one day...) so I then headed off to the local shop before driving to the Birks of Aberfeldy and stopping a couple places on the way whenever I found water that I thought might make an OK pic...

We both got back home at roughly the same time for a quick change and headed for Hamilton to go out for my mum's birthday.

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