
Daddy, daddddddy, daaaaaaaaaaaddddddddy.

He wasn't amused, I was!
It was followed by daddy get me dressed, daddy do my hair! Daddy take me to ballet and so on.

We talked in the week of buying Munchie a bike now, supposedly for her birthday, late November, so she could use it now. We found a suitable bike, after I'd got off my high horse over halfords stating a George pig bike was for boys!. Reserved it at Argos to be collected on the way back from ballet.

It took a while to put it together and tempers got a bit frayed. Munchie then got really upset when she couldn't do it. We think she's too light possibly as the back wheel just spins, but if we help her, it's ok. Anyhow, she persevered.


Headed out for a walk / bike ride, Munchie fell asleep. Very grumpy when woken. Daddy carry, nice walk then some practise riding in the carpark. She improved some more again. Popped to see the nursery pigs, this time Wom asleep, I stayed in the car with him.


More playing
School work, need a new printer!

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