Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Thursday // Anniversary Eve

We've celebrated this entire month. Tomorrow is our 50th wedding anniversary. So this evening we went to a restaurant called "Macroni Grill." For years it's been a favorite place. When we changed our diet to vegan (no meat, no fish, no poultry, no dairy--that's egg, cheese, milk) early last December because Mr. Fun's doctor strongly recommended vegan, it's been a challenge to figure-out what to eat. It's easier to eat at home than in a restaurant, except we neither one like to cook (what a dilemma! We need a "mom" to move-in to take care of us).

So going to an Italian place and ordering a plate of pasta with a meatless sauce takes the difficulty away. This month I've allowed myself the fun and delight of occasionally ordering dessert, and dark chocolate is good for us (haha sure). So here's the chocolate cake I ordered. I thought it would be just a delicious slice of chocolate cake. Well, it was "hot from the oven" molten cake with heated delicious chocolate sauce and a dollop of whipped cream (which I'm not supposed to eat), and chocolate carmel crumbles. The entire meal was fabulous!

The best part of today was having our daughter stop at our house on her way home from her job at the elementary school where she works as a teacher's aide. While she was here, she told us she had quit her evening job. I knew that meant she'll have a significant loss of pay and asked her how she would be able to afford her apartment and she said finances are going to get real tight. I told her to consider living here in our home this summer while we're gone to our shack on California's Central Coast; to my surprise she seemed very favorable to that idea. Our daughter has been separated from her husband for several years and currently it looks as though they are getting closer and closer to mending and healing their relationship, but she is leery about moving back into their home too soon. It's been a crazy few years of watching the dysfunction. I have mentioned previously here in Blip that our family is continually re-awarded the trophy for most dysfunctional family anywhere!

So that's the story of this day, which is the eve of our Golden Anniversary.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Today I cancelled my Thursday classes (because I had been absent for my Tuesday classes -- I meet each class once a week) so I planned for conferences with students in the classroom, just whoever wanted to meet with me. Last night I had sent an email to all students announcing today's schedule  -- all of three students came to see me, that's  just ridiculous. Two students showed-up who had not read their emails and they exited immediately (sheesh!) -- that's also ridiculous to be in a hybrid class and not check online for announcements. One student who I had specifically asked to come see me, and he replied that he would, did not show-up. I was going to return to him a paper he needs to revise because it has earned a failing grade. So now the failing grade will remain.

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