Edit :
Last night I was K.... after all it's wednesday:)

I was terribly concerned about the furore about The Brand/Ross/Sachs controversy ...I was sitting thinking sadly about the 18,000 complaints and when it rose to 27,000 I was wonderfing what prompted those 9,000 extra people to complain about a programme they probably didn't hear. And then seeing Andrew Sachs granddaughter on the front page of a newspaper and a exclusive interview on Sky ... bewildered me
and can someone tell me when did Andrew Sachs become a 'national institution'?

I think it was poor judgement to try this sort of thing on Him as he is actually a seroius actor and someone who takes himself seriously indeed .

and then the resignation and the suspension ...

And then this AM I found out from Radio 4 that The Daily Mail ran a campaign ...

It explains the Why for me ... and I actually think that Britain is a poorer place now .
End Of Rant

will be listening to the aquarobicscrowd to see if they have an opinion on all of this ... being an emminently sensible lot I am guardedly optimistic ...
RANT over ... but not my disappointment :(

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