Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

Moorhen Chick.........

Another early start this morning, not because of the threat of rain, but simply it's the best part of the day IMHO............!!!

This chick was being fed by mum right in at the bottom of the embankment which drops down to the waters edge. What hit me this morning after watching the Moorhens was the amount of rubbish thats actually in the moat.
The baby Moorhen was actually being fed in amongst a mixture of various wrappers, plastic packaging, plastic bags, with a couple of coke bottles thrown in for good measure.

Walking home after getting my blip for the day i passed through the forts only visitors car park, looking down the embankment at the water i spotted 3 large pieces of sheet glass laying one on top of the other, with jagged edges all around each piece.

It's a big what if, but what if a young child was running along the top of the embankment, which they do, what if that child took a tumble, which they do, what if that child slipped down the embankment and was badly cut up on the glass. This child if unaccompanied woud be down the embankment, out of sight, out of ear shot. That child could die.

So whoever drove their car to that carpark, reversed up to the edge of the embankment dumped your stuff over the side, you could actually kill someone as a result of your actions. Just think about that.

The moat has a road running parralel to one of it's banks, on this road is the entrance to The Range Superstore and the start of a small trading estate. The rubbish generated from thes two complexes just blows straight into the moat.

Some customers of The Range, rather than take their packaging home with them, will remove their new purchase from its box or wrapping, take their item home with them, but leave the packaging on the floor of the car park.


Their are times when i can honestly say i'm ashamed to be a member of the same species as these people..........

Rant Over.

larger view of the chick.......

Thanks to everyone who took the time to visit yesterday, much appreciated.

I'm taking Lewis, my son over to the moat, to help take the glass to the recycling centre.

Have a great day.


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