
By woodleywise


I was walking past a stonemasons in Lincoln that did all the repair work for the cathedral, when I noticed this gravestone near the gate. It set me thinking - why is it still there if he died in 1994? Did a customer never come back for it? Heidelberg? So the next time I passed I went in and asked. The chap I spoke to called up somebody else from the bowels of the workshop and he explained.

Eberhard had been a German prisoner of war. After the war he stayed in England and set up a stone masonry business. When he died in 1994 he was buried in Derbyshire. The chap I was talking to had been one of his apprentices. He had promised Eberhard that when his widow died he would add her name to the stone. So after her death the stone was brought to Lincoln.

And so Mrs Rothermel will also become "unforgotten" or "unvergessen" in German.

It is interesting to be curious.

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