Nonna's Eyes
It was a day of too many hats and too few rabbits from sunrise to sunset. I am going through a bit of a work ultrathon right now but I continue to remind myself that being professionally busy is a problem many people wish they had, especially in this economy. I am thankful to have a challenging career even though, on a day like today, it would be easy to complain about being too busy. So, for the time being, I will keep putting one foot in front of the other at the fastest pace possible. This means I have had no time on blip and I am feeling quite guilty that I am receiving all of your lovely comments, stars and hearts and, yet, I have not been able to thank you or to see your journal. I hope I can change this soon.
I arrived home from work quite late this evening expecting to find everyone in bed. Much to my surprise and delight, my eldest daughter, Isabella, was reading a book on the floor of the family room awaiting my arrival. As I saw her smile up at me, it became evident to me that the beauty of her face is quite preferable to the street blip I had planned on using. So, the camera quickly came forth and this image was captured before she went off to bed.
Isabella's eyes remind me of my mother's and, when I look into her eyes, my challenging day at work quickly fades from my memory.
Please know that I greatly appreciate your friendship and support even though I have not been able to personally express such for the last four days.
See the sparkle in her eyes in big if you have time.
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