A Shutterbug All Over the Slugs

I'm beginning to think Lisa is right when she calls me a sluggard. I woke up at about 8 a.m., but laid in bed and watched Sportscenter  on ESPN. Then, I read my Kindle for awhile. Then, I watched a couple of episodes of Jeopardy  that I had taped. Finally, about noon, I figured I better do something...do anything.

It took me a while to get moving, but when I did...I went like a whirling dervish. Weeding, trimming, picking up and carting away, and more weeding.

Good and bad about weeding?

Bad: C'mon...it's weeding. Some of the roots don't want to come up, and the positions you have to put yourself in are never fun. Plus...two words...picker bushes.

Good: You never know what you're going to discover in all the hidden greenery and rocks. Worms, ants, toads, and these slugs.

Could you say these buggy sluggies were taken by the backyard sluggard?

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