A mini pork pie...

A day of sunny spells,torrential showers and chillyness. Went to the mart at St Boswells to try and buy bulling heifers. Was 2nd last bidder on 18 Angus cross heifers that would have done the job,but chickened out at £1180. Just as well really on hind sight ,cos they were too dear.
Heifers with calves at foot were too dear too,making anything between £2000-£2500. Which I can't understand,as the trade for fat cattle is pretty dire at the moment.
So came home with an empty trailer.
Went down the road to check the cattle,and saw another dirty grey cloud approaching,so stopped to get the wellies and leggings on . These pigs are running in a large area of wood that was bought by a lad that has a butchers business.It is a real menagerie ,with lots of these pigs and some highland cattle just now. He has also had goats and sheep there in the past. This wee grunter made me smile as his tuft made him   look like a punk pig

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