Small Achievements

This is about all I've achieved today :-) I haven't done any reports this week, although I've mostly completed the entry form for my class for Surrey School's Got Talent. 

I woke up at 7:30am without an alarm, as the beautiful blue sky and sunshine streamed through the windows. I was up an hour later. I can't believe I actually don't have time for lie-in's, even in the holidays ... :-/ The last time I truly did not set an alarm and just slept until I was ready, was the day I came back from Creamfields last August. 

I had a really good session at gym last night. All my friends were there, and being with them does lift me. We laughed and had a lot of fun. We spent most of the evening on bars, doing/practising giants. I spent so long suspended in loops and gloves my wrists were raw, and two hours later when I went to bed I still looked like I had red gloves! Physically it's a bit of a challenge, but some days are a little bit easier. No matter how I'm feeling the gym is always able to lift me a little, and I'm very thankful for that.

Rather than being on a half-term high, I've kind of written off this week, and have felt a bit blue. That's the trouble when you have too much time to think! Mum and I went to the garden centre, and I bought this pot and  geranium. I fired my gardner last week as my week-long garden overhaul had turned into a six-week nightmare that achieved almost nothing! I'm now looking for someone else to do the work, but in the meantime this plant will have to do! 

I'm more optimistic for the next few days. I have plans with T and I'm excited about those.

It's the little things.

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