Womster's day

With two Munchie pics thrown in for good measure.
Wom was wide awake bouncing in his cot at 5:30, it's hard to be grumpy with him when he's so cheerful, but we did have a chat about social and antisocial hours.

He went back to bed, I worked. Once Wom woke we went over to a friends for a lovely play date. Home for lunch then off to toddler sense.

After much deliberation we've signed up for another five weeks, Munchie seems to enjoy it a great deal as does Wom.
Wom loved the rhythm sticks today and the shakers. It was hard to get decent photos of him as he was jigging about so much.
After group we went to the swings, all good fun, met another good friend there for a play

Home for tea
Bit more work done and bedtime for me,

The two pictures of monkey terrify me and amaze me in equal measure.

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