Morning in school doing cheques and challenging the water board on an erroneous reminder for a bill that isn't ours (means I will have to shout at the nuns again. Sigh.) Then a day when I seemed to be busy doing a million things, but can only remember the cups of tea.
After school the kids seemed to heed my stern chat of yesterday about helping out, like, EVER. And so we sorted the garden out a bit (planting green beans and tomatoes and cleaning up a bit. Everything takes twice as long when the kids help, but it's at least ten times more fun. So I think I came out ahead. And with all the hose antics, they seemed to have fun too.
Not sure what this bug is, but I do wish I'd taken my camera out when I first saw it rather than waiting until it was nearly dark and having to use the flash.
Now to see if any of us can sleep. Big day tomorrow.
Oh, and there's about a week's worth of backblipping for anyone who can be bothered.
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