Pink Army.

J was going out on his motorcycle this morning , so I left before him to walk to town.  I walked past the Cancer Research Shop, and they had this great display  in the window.  I went in and had a look around, but I didn't buy anything  today.  I then went up to Open Church and  had a cuppa. We had a great debate today, about  every topic under the sun. We  could have sorted out all the world's problems.  I came out and decided to walk home. I didn't go to the gym today, as  I wanted  to practice ready for Sunday. The weather forecast for Sunday, is looking very bad at the moment, so I could get  very wet.  I forgot to  mention  yesterday ,that when we opened the box  that the new laptop came in, there was some black polystyrene around the corners. J was so excited , because  it can be used to replicate coal, in his train wagons.  He is easily pleased!

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