What a faff on!!!
It's taken a while to cut out the windows for Iain's Boat Repairers Shed. A bit of compromise required around the rear end because I couldn't manage to fit ten tiny windows above the back door. However, as hardly anyone knows the arrangement at the rear it's not a big deal. The trouble was that the hole for the window is so small that even using the thinnest of plastic strip it just looked wrong.
Guttering and downpipes to fit and the roof needs to be secured in placed when I'm satisfied everything lines up. With around 300 individual parts in the white building alone even the slightest miscalculation can knock many other parts out of line. So far no dramas.
The roof lights were a bu66er to build. Corrugated plastic sheet is about 1.5mm thick, it's brittle and unforgivingly hard. Everytime I tried to cut openings for the glazing the plastic snapped or chipped. In the end I chiselled out the shape of roof lights to a depth of about 0.5mm, added a lip and dropped in some back painted black glazing.
The eagle eyed will notice that the window line doesn't match from the rear to the side. It actually doesn't. I don't know why. The window line on the main building lines up with the rear of the boat shed which seems right but the shed window line is about a scale 2ft lower. Also the window on the end of the main building is partially covered by the shed window - just like the real thing. Another window issue has come to light. I've modelled the lower centre window on the main building to the style of the others. It should not be. Drat.
One of the main problems with 'long distance' modelling is getting accurate images to work from. Blipper Iain at Creel provided some great views of the 'hidden from Google Streetview' images and they've enabled me to complete the 'back side'.
Checking thumbnails on Canmore Images enabled me to get some alternative views but at £10 a file and with punitive restrictions I'll not be buying any! I did notice that it's free to contribute my own images to their collection.
Perplexingly, I have three images of the front of the boat shed and all three show different placing for roof lights, some windows and detail.
Ah well, that's modelling.
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