Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

At The Lake

Pretty day. Didn't break triple digits. Even the produce man was talking about the nice weather. Spontaneously. I guess he was in a chipper mood.

It's been a really odd start to the week. After my inexcusable :-) afternoon nap yesterday, I was in such a rush to get into Tucson for my evening meeting I unintentionally set out an hour early.

Today, I was late for what I thought was going to be my regular follow up with my primary care physician only to be told by the nurse that it was just for my monthly B-12 injection. (I was sure I had it right). She gave me an appointment for Friday, which I now must squeeze tightly in between another medical appointment, a meeting and a trip to Phoenix, which is over two hours away.

I decided to go to the nearby grocery store, found a rare parking spot in the shade and reached for my water bottle for a last gulp before I got out of the car. The lid popped off and water spilled down my shirt and all over my lap. I felt like I wet my shorts. The first half of my shopping was done while I was walking like a penguin.

It's now late afternoon and I still have much to do. I dare not open my email for fear that I might have tasks to perform that I might screw up. I think before I do anything, I'll check my biorhythms.

My mojo isn't a go-go.

And it's only Tuesday.

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