Cliffs in the Evening

Mike's daughter and son are both home at the moment and came round to see us today. Really nice to catch up and hear all their news from southern parts, well, Stirling and Edinburgh!

After dinner of lemon chicken and rhubarb crumble, Mike took them home and Ollie and I headed out for our constitutional round the cliffs.

It was bitterly cold, I resent having to wear hat and gloves in June, but if I didn't stop and take too many photos, and kept moving, it wasn't too bad! There are fulmars nesting on the cliffs, but not as many as last year. We watched a little brood of eiders too, two females with three tiny chicks, gingerly taking to the water, one female in front, one behind. They looked so gentle and protective.

We watched the odd seal and they watched us, and together we watched the sun starting to sink beneath the hills of Hoy. Looking south, the mountains of Scotland were really clearly visible. This is generally taken to be a sign of rain coming in, but I sincerely hope not as tomorrow I am meeting up with Lady Findhorn!

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