Grrrrrrr blades of grass!!!

Nothing seems to be going well photographically at the mo! 
First I set the ISO (Accidently) at 1600, then my camera sets the white balance at something silly and today, when I took the time to check all the settings I take this shot and a blooming blade of grass gets in the way!
I blipped this beautiful Green Hairstreak  Callophrys rubi today because I find it interesting that the Green Hairstreak I added in my extras on monday was from a population on the South Downs, and there are hardly any tiny white dots on the underside of the hind wing, whereas this individual from a population on the North Downs has several. 
I think the ones with white dots are really nice, and this is an especially lovely fresh individual.
The Green Hairstreak is a local species, which forms small distinct colonies sometimes of only a couple of dozen individuals. The green colouration is an illusion caused by diffraction of light on the wing scales, which provides excellent camouflage. 
Off to Kent tomorrow to see Lady orchids, I am so excited....only one problem , the HUGE blister on my little toe! 

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