
By Appreciation

These flowers were reduced to half price last week!!!!  The shop thought they were past it, and yet they make me smile every time I pass, and they certainly will make it into the mother's calendar for 2016. 

What a weekend.  We were up the hill and down the hill meeting twice doing our best to keep straight faces and keep the conversation light.  In between there was the repeat of last year's SE Region Cup Final in Dunbar, where once again the sun shone, the prosecco flowed, pies were demolished and the score remained the same.  The boys have had their best season, this was to be their reward - alas not to be.  Their disappointment was clear.  My boy couldn't lift his head, he was face down chewing grass and swallowing tears.  I was gutted for them. 

The after party lifted everyone's spirits and so much fun was had that it may become a new best selling novel followed by the blockbuster movie.
And all this with tensions running high and my hips out of alignment.  I can recommend taking Ibuprofen for a whole day before a heavy nights drinking.  My hangover was almost non existent. 

Thank goodness today was calmer, another greet job and off to the allotment.  Nothing shone sweeter than these roses though.

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