Busy busy busy

Up earlyish, but somehow kept wriggling monsters in bed with me till 7:30. They played beautifully together whilst I had a shower.
Wom crashed around 9, headed back to bed. I did some work on reports. Boooo hiss.

Popped to shops to return some clothes, get teething powders and nugget shop for lunch.

Home, lunch consumed.

Dropped birthday present off
Got both children weighed.
Wom sits on the 90th percentile now
Munchie in the 9th.
But, both are happy, healthy and pretty dam marvellous.
Went into school, it adjoins children's centre. Munchie spotted rob the caretakers lawnmower, I told her she had to ask him to have a go on it. She did, loved it.
Went to see the pigs at the farm, Munchie saw lots from nursery there, new climbing frame too. Wom snaffled by lolly.
Home via a friends to drop off an Ocado gluten free freebie bundle, quick play date.

Outside to play
Inside to chill
Where's daddy! I want daddy, but got her to sleep ok.

Both at nursery tomorrow. Report blitz, here we come.

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