Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

Gothic Church

This is the Church of St. Aidan's, built by the Victorians in one of the poor districts. I think it was meant to demonstrate that by following a moralistic, upstanding life in the church, things would be well. The outside looks best against a blue sky, although it is always impossible to really capture it well, as the one side is hemmed by back to back housing, as is the rear. And the road to the front... well, its always full of traffic. In fact, there was a death in the road quite close to where I took this picture about a week ago. 

Inside, the building is dark, and imposing. The services are very traditional, but the people are lovely. This has one of the most vibrant and determined congregations to help the needy that you will find anywhere. Here, food parcels from churches all across the deanery are gathered up and distributed. Here, English is taught, as is how to fill in forms, how to access services. This is, truly, a place of sanctuary for those who find themselves on or near the bottom rung. So the place deserves its day against the blue sky, standing tall.

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