
By CharChar

Psychic Supper

Well today I enjoyed a much needed lie in! It was heaven as I think the jet lag was still effecting me!

Spent the afternoon chilling out before getting ready for a psychic supper at the Mill hotel Alverly.

Millie tricked me into this evening as I don't like things like this it freaks me out a little. So me Gem and Mill headed over there wondering what to expect. I had to have a glass of wine to calm the nerves.

We went into the room where the lady started to explain they will be contacting the dead! Great now I was scared! They told people their relatives were contacting them and they were at peace in heaven!

I did have to giggle a few times for example when the spirit took over the ladies body and she had the symptoms of what the spirit had died from. None of our dead relatives wanted to contact us! It seemed to be the older people that wanted to be contacted. It has opened my eyes to the spirit world and I would go to one again there not scary like I first thought.

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