Last year during some very stormy weather, the fence between us and our neighbours came down, so we had to replace it - or rather, a man came and replaced it.

Earlier this year, our neighbours on the other side cut down a very large clematis that was obviously holding up the fence because in the high winds and storms in February, the fence between us came down.   We happened to be away at the time so Mike very kindly did the work of removing the boards that were barely standing and in rather a dangerous state, and they are now piled in our garden.

Rather than getting in someone to replace the fence, Mike and Mr. HCB had a chat and decided that they could do it themselves - but of course, that takes much longer!

Our previous neighbours had built a wall, although not very well, so it was decided that this should come down as well and this is still being done.  So it is all very much a "Work in Progress."

The garden on the left is ours, and the garden, with the workshop belongs to Mike and Lyn - and as you can see, the fence is slowly being erected.  Lin and I said we would miss seeing each other as the new fence is a little higher than the previous one, so Mike said he would put a gate in halfway down the gardens, so we can at least open it and chat to each other rather than shouting "over the fence"!

Mr. HCB has been taking down the wall and as with the clematis at the top of the garden, the climbing rose, that is now creeping along the ground and up near the chiminea has more buds on it this year than ever before, so no doubt that will be a blip at sometime in the future.

I noticed that the bricks were marked "London Brick" and according to their website, the original London brick has been in production for over 130 years and has been used to build over five million homes.  These will probably end up as rubble somewhere!

"A good neighbor is a fellow 
who smiles at you 
over the back fence,
but doesn't climb over it."
Arthur Baer

Well, at least having a gate will mean we don't have to do that!

Thank you everyone for your kind comments yesterday - the pity party only lasted a couple of hours and I am feeling much better today.  

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