Clematis II

I know I have blipped it before but hey you guys blips your kids or your pets or your toe nails over and over again so why not? In my eyes its a beauty and it changes every day so why not?

Another take it easy day chez Lif. I did do a spot of pootling in the garden but nothing to strenuous. I am still aware that there are stitches there and they need to be taken care of! The no driving malarkey is a pain in the ass.

Mr Lif did venture forth and purchase the Sat Nav. 6 hours later and its still on charge. Mr Lif is having a post repast snooze on the sofa. I will have to go and prod him as its nearly time for the start of Big Brother, I know I know....its a tradition in this house.....we will get over it, one day, maybe

Enjoy the last bits of the long weekend blippers :)

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