A fast mover!!

I had a blip in the camera by 8.30 this morning, unheard of for me!!

This little chap arrived and left within 45 seconds, fortunately the camera was on the window sill!!  R’s windows are in need of cleaning, so I’ve added that to the list for the weekend, otherwise the “wild life viewing” will be more out of focus.

His blip was in competition with my task for this afternoon, but the colour of the later one was a bit pale. I spent most of the time on the floor measuring and cutting up the lengths of material for the new lounge curtains, 3 pair in total.  As the room is empty, while we wait for the new carpet, there was plenty of space to spread out.

I had ordered 18 metres and was a bit puzzled when all the lengths had been measured, matched and marked, and I found that I had material to spare!! I re-measured and rechecked, only to find that they had sent almost 19+ metres. It was the end of the roll and they sent the complete piece. Very generous of them!!  I have enough to make several cushion covers.

The sewing starts in earnest tomorrow after I've chopped up the lining material.

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