Country File

By marypot

Brandon Flowers: The Desired Effect

After the heartbreak of the past few days, I needed some release and to escape. What better way than to go and see my favourite musician in concert?

I've had the ticket for some time and was supposed to be travelling to Manchester by train yesterday to make a weekend of it. However, when it came to it yesterday I couldn't face it, so I had some sleep and then drove down in the early hours instead. I queued all day with friends who are fellow fans, which was good fun. I had a few low moments throughout the day where grief took over, but my friends were there for me and when Brandon finally came on stage I was in another world for an hour and a half. He's an excellent entertainer, with a catalogue of catchy tunes, a beautiful voice and I have to say he also has the most handsome face I've ever laid eyes on... The highlight of the show was when an old hero of mine Bernard Sumner from New Order came on stage and sang a duet with Brandon. I was front row centre and so had the best view in the house.

After the show, exhaustion, dehydration and a lack of decent food took their toll when I was hit with a wave of grief that I couldn't cope with. I passed out on the floor of Manchester Academy. Luckily I was surrounded by friends and some medics were on hand to help. I had a complete meltdown in the medical room, but that outlet for my grief actually did me the world of good. The medics said they didn't need to do any tests to see if I was ok, because they could tell it was a classic case of overwhelming grief. One of them stayed with me as I got some fresh air outside. Whilst waiting to find my feet again, what should happen but Brandon and his guitarist walked out onto an outdoor balcony above us and the forty or fifty other fans who were waiting after the show, and he performed an acoustic version of a new song. It was magical. What a strangely wonderful day.

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