Journey Through Time

By Sue

Blood Grass

I think that's what this is called.  It's a lovely decorative grass with red tipped leaves, but we got a surprise after it being in for a third growing bloomed this pretty fluffy 'thing'.  Flower...seed head...whatever.  Even Bill was surprised.  I'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing or if blood grass is going to sprout all over the place, but this is rather handsome.

Still having fun with my genealogy and my aunt's DNA info has led us to discover the immigrating ancestor to our William Chambers family in Pennsylvania. She matched with another of this family which helped us a lot.  His father, also William Chambers from County Down, Ireland, came to America in 1812 with his wife and kids and eventually ended up in Lawrence Co., PA.  How many of us would do that now?  Travel for months on end, then travel by sloop on the river and conestoga wagons to get to the west of Pennsylvania and start up a new life in a country you've never been to ever in your life.  They did have a friend here, so they had a small support system in place...but, these pioneers were a brave lot.  If it had been up to me, I'd probably have never left the Old Country.  Chicken that I am. LOL

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