Monsters Inc.

I really didn't intend to post a photograph of him two days running but just look at that face.  I can't stop laughing.

Posting this now has cheered me up immensely.  It's as if the trip to the Swedish meatball box of furniture hell was all just some strange mardröm that didn't really happen.  

Rant follows:
Casinos purposefully have no windows to keep the customers unaware of the passing of time as the sun slowly sets.  Casinos however often give away free soft drinks and though highly unlikely the slim chance that you might actually leave with more money than you came in with.   Those diabolical Swedish furniture fascists have copied this minus the good bits and crossed it with a maddening twisting labyrinth not unlike the path they walk cows down in a slaughter house, I imagine.

And a couple of extras

......and an amazing link to a video which is like a live Black and white photo.

And I made beer today because I can.

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