Get up, stand up
I've said it before but one of the great privileges of my job is the opportunities it affords me to meet inspirational and fascinating people. Jake Mills is one such individual.
He's a stand-up comedian and writer with a passion for talking about mental health - believing, as I do, that only by talking about supposedly 'difficult' subjects can we overturn fear, stigma and misinformation. Believing, also, that grassroots organising can often be the most effective way of getting things done.
Jake has his own life-altering and, at one point almost life-ending, experiences upon which to draw and I can't think of a better person to get some important and, in many cases, almost ridiculously practical and common-sense messages out to the world and, perhaps, to young men in particular. Check him out if you get the chance!
It was a pleasure to have a cup of coffee and a chat with him this afternoon and to talk about the ways in which we can work together in the coming months. I'm looking forward to it.
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