Grumpy Old Git

By GrumpyOldGit

Another Flower

Today, I am still playing with the lens that I recently acquired, trying to determine its capability. I am still not very good with it and have found that in use it needs an exceedingly steady hand; something that I no longer have! However, I am gradually getting to grips with it and starting to achieve occasional results that are indicative of its true performance capability.

This blip is of a small section of a picture (1/3 height by 1/3 width) of a tiny flower (I have no idea what it is, although Mrs GOG says that it might be Shining Cranesbill), which was waving about in the breeze and was a little over 12mm across the widest point of its petals; the insect eggs on the petals are about 0.3mm wide and about 0.5mm long (about the size of a full stop). The blur, which is present, is most likely due to me not being steady enough and the flower moving in the breeze, I am fairly certain that this is not due to the lens resolution, which is still capable of much better than this. I have viewd it at some 25 times real size and it is fairl sharp, but not as good as I used to get with film.

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