In Princes St Gardens

I had a day off today, the sun was shining, the weather was warm and dry... Perfect!

The plan was to go into town, buy a couple of things I needed and then grab my bike and go for a wander. What happened though was that a friend of mine texted me to ask me if I fancied going for a walk outside as the weather was so nice. So, my friend came with me into town, I did my shopping and then we went to Princes St Gardens to relax and enjoy the sunshine. Later on we met a couple of friends for a drink and a chat. It was a really relaxing day off.

I didn't watch the Eurovision song contest but I heard that Sweden won. I  listened to the contestants' songs for a little bit this morning and, to be honest, none of them really stood out for my taste, just a couple of them seemed to have a bit of an edge, otherwise it was the same old bland stuff. You might disagree with me though. Many congratulations to Sweden!

Off tomorrow as well and planning to go to the gym. 

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars on my friend's portrait yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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