
By wsjohnson

"To dream the impossible dream"

No, your eyes do not deceive you, yep that's water flowing in that there fountain my friends! W-A-T-E-R, water!

(for those unfamiliar, here in California, that's a definite no-no)

Sort of brought tears to my eyes, standing there watching it, looking like a serious fool doing so I might add, just thinking if only this was my lawn!!!

The fountain pictured belongs to the city of Oakland (Go Warriors!!) and with the TV eyes of the nation upon it, She figured having illicit water flowing In Jack London Square made for a better "image" than the 'mean streets' of Oak-Town, with it's assorted melange known locally as: citizens

As that great (some say 'odd') American writer Gertrude Stein, once said in regards to her hometown: "there's no 'there' there"

(Editorial correction -in spite of what folk say- Ms. Stein is actually referring to the fact that her childhood home had been demolished, but that doesn't sound as sad)

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