Tales from the Tierpark - A Fawn is Born!!

I couldn't believe my eyes this morning at the wild animal park, when I spotted a female deer lying deep in the woodland and on closer inspection saw that she had just given birth to a fawn!!  Look how it's trying to stand up!  I watched them for ages - the mother kept yawning then licking the fawn, yawning then licking the fawn, just trying to clean the sweet little thing up a bit!  Oh how lovely they were!!  Today I have posted three extra photos - two more of the mother and fawn, and another which would normally have been my first choice, if it wasn't for the exceptionally unusual nature of the 'immediately post birth' photos!  

We also bought our first punnet of strawberries of the year from a farm shop on the way to the wild animal park, and they were absolutely delicious!  :-)

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