threesixfive #365
Full circle
Blipping fabulous day it is too!! I have flown down to Melbourne for a few days to catch up with fabulous friends ...& go to a conference (re-registration pending)
...& it's been a big year.
I changed my job title adding a few more skills to my repertoire. Then I moved house, changed States, career direction change having started a new job, & got married. According to the stats, they have me pegged for over 25000km, including trips to Malaysia & Singapore, Borneo & The Philippines....not to forget the hours & hours spent on planes, trains & automobiles taking me North, South & west.
I've taken over 9500photos...that's over 390 rolls in the old measurement!! I've shared moments in the kitchen, the backyard, the beach & even the bedroom as well as meals with friends, the places I work & transport I've used.
Blip really does make every moment a possible story.
Today's photo is in the same park as day one. A fitting tribute of coming full circle.
I'll use this platform to also apologies for not responding to comments left at times & to say thank you for stars & hearts shared. I do feel blessed that people would use one of their daily allowances on something I have shared. Thank you also to the people behind blip & I look forward to the return of a full service very soon (ie: I'd like to print my book)
I'll also say thank you here for any congrats that may follow. As I may not get back here soon to personally do so.
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