Our Little Forest Fairy

It was a test for the little man tonight. His first walk in the nature preserve. We were going to go to the big tree and back, but he was doing pretty good, so we took a short loop instead. Only once did he say..."Papa, will you carry me?" (My answer was NO!) As you can see...the walk tired him out, as he feigned sleep.

My daughter and S-I-L went to see the Detroit Tigers play. The game just finished with our Tigers beating the Houston Astros 6-2.

Before our hike, Merrick and I tried out the old sandbox. The problems? The box is too small, and the sand is no good. (It doesn't stick together good enough.) But, we did have some special visitors. Shelley (Naturelover), and her husband Al showed up on their bikes.

After the hike, we drifted around the construction zone in our downtown area, seeing some "diggers", and some ducks.

Hope everybody has a great weekend.

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