
What a frustrating morning - half-way to the clinic to do a couple of routing tests, I realised I had left the forms requesting the tests at home. Had to get the taxi to turn round, take me home and wait while I collected them, before facing the traffic again. Then, when I arrived at the clinic, I found there was standing room only - they have just changed their system and everything and everyone was delayed by hours. Luckily, I had taken plenty of reading material, because I was stuck there for the whole morning, frozen stiff from the exaggerated air-conditioning.

Packed HH off on his own to Scottish Country Dancing this evening (to teach, not to dance, that might take a few more weeks, in view of his hip replacement). I'm going to start preparations for a dinner party on Thursday, then head for an early bed after last night's efforts.

The building in the photo is opposite the clinic. A remnant of old Rio. surviving better than some among the modern blocks, festoons of wires and cables and general traffic chaos. Unfortunately, Brazil is not very good at preserving its cultural heritage.

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