Look! Open eyes!

I can't  believe home much I actually managed to fit into one day today! It can only be due to an early start and a late finish.

Work in the morning, but it was Friday, so I could finish at noon.

Then off to see Helle and the puppies for a couple of hours. Fifty was the first of the pups to open his eyes. Look at him! Seeing the world for the first time ever. Amazing, isn't it! Wonder who will be the next, to open it's eyes?!

A 75 km drive to Kobæk Strand and a lovely walk on the beach with the boys. They swam more than they walked though :-)

Dinner with my dad near the beach and then my dad collected my sister's mother in law and the 3 of us went to Borreby Theater to see a very amusing Danish musical. It was great. 

Finally home. Luckily I do not need to start early tomorrow morning.

Night night, Blipland.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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