
The conversation at work with a German acquaintance went like this -

"Hey <insert name of German acquaintance>, I've got a word for you. Can you tell me what you think it means and then I'll tell you what Google translate thinks it means"

"Ok, what's the word?"

"The word is 'rückverzauberung"

"Well, 'zauberung' means to put a spell on someone and 'rück' means to undo or take back so it means to maybe take a spell off someone. What did the translation say?"

"It came up with 'ruck enchantment' which made no sense to me at all. Could if maybe be interpreted as like taking the magic off something, or maybe demystifying it?"

"Yes, demystifiying sounds good"

And that's from a real-life, bona fide German. So now you know. I can go with that.


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