Hungry birds

Lots of young ravenous Starlings around today.

This one was tasting everything but not finding much to its liking.

A wee bit cold today again with very low clouds.  The good thing was it meant the Swifts flying low around the town - they are such fast flyers and with such style - its great to have them around for the summer.

Funniest thing today: My new neighbour's cats confrontation with my other neighbour's Peacock 'Percy' .  The cats have a lot to learn and Percy looks likely to tell them all they need to know.

Bad retail story of the day - buying a replacement torch for Dad for one that no longer works and getting one that will not switch off !
 - is that why it was £7.99 reduced to £2.99 less 20% more.
.... I have ranted about retail like this before so won't bother again. I will just say I would happily have paid £7.99 for a torch that actually worked with a good light and a chance it would continue to work for more than a few hours.

Old news.  Today the cricket Test Match at Lords between England and New Zealand brought back some memories from 1965 when my Dad took my maternal Grandfather to London for the day - Dad was there on business but Grandad got to see the cricket - Fred Trueman, Geoff Boycott, Colin Cowdrey, Ted Dexter and the rest - I looked it up and it was also fast bowler John Snow's first match.  I was at school but I did get the scorecard which I wil now have to hunt for - I know its in a book somewhere !     England won that match by 7 wickets - I wonder what will happen in this one.

photo edited and updated - the original was a little too dark.

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