Country File

By marypot

I told you I was ill

My dad died about two and three quarter hours ago, just after midnight. He was such a worrier - we knew about every niggle, ache and pain over the years! So when he complained about being very ill this week we all told him to go to the dr as usual, which he did and everything seemed ok. As usual. Until yesterday, when he took a sudden turn for the worse. Thankfully it wasn't so quick that we couldn't get to the hospital and see him whilst he was still able to talk to us, and we got to say our goodbyes. He also got to leave strict instructions about how to look after the gazillion potatoes and leeks he has planted recently in his garden and greenhouses!

He was so brave and strong to the end. And yes, now we believe that you were ill. A touch of the Spike Milligan about it all. It's all so...Unreal. He was such a funny, funny man and will be missed by many. I need a bit of sleep now before morning. Then I have to tell my girls that their grandad has gone. Not looking forward to that. Night night daddy. Love you . Now you and mam are back together. Give her a kiss from me please xxx

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