Hang on!

This is not the photo I had 'planned' on blipping today. It was going to be titled 'In the making' and be a close up of the felt all rolled up. I had taken the photo all ready.... but.... then this little guy showed up and was far more interesting!
He flew past my face on the way to the window as I was driving home. When I got to the roundabout I rolled the window down figuring I'd be going slow enough (or stopped) for him to fly off into the open.
Only he didn't!
Instead he climbed onto the edge and settled!
As I drove off I kept expecting him to be sucked in or out, blown off, or get so tired that he'd eventually fall off. He didn't!
I find it utterly amazing that they can hold on through such strong winds (perhaps a lesson for us in there!).
As time went on I found myself slowing down to try and help him, concerned that after all that effort he'd get tired out, let go and meet the windscreen behind!
I ended up pulling off the road and stopping! Then I just sat and watched him calmly wash his head and relax, with no intention to move!
It was still quite windy where we were so I ended up taking him back inside the car and driving home where I knew it would be more sheltered. There he crawled onto my hand then flew of happily!!!
I can't help but be fascinated by these little guys!!!

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