Ready to pop

These plants come up each year in our garden, each stem has a big pod, with several smaller buds inside, which open with a small umbrella like flower on each stem, they are an insignificant greenly/pink colour.........the bees love them! Once they are ready to die off, they go from drooping over with the flower head hanging downwards, to perpendicular, each single flower raised upwards into a clump, they always fascinate me.

I have no idea what they are called.....I have tried to find out via Google without success, so if anyone out there knows what I am talking about, or recognises the pod, please shout :-)

I will blip it again once it flowers, and finally when it's flowered and is dying off, so you can see what I mean ;-)

I was going to blip the rhododendron I showed you so you could see what colour it actually is now its in full flower......but with all this heavy rain and hail it's not looking great at the mo, so I'm biding my time.

It's been a day of jobs that have needed to be done for a while.........fixed the go slow on the old laptop, reloaded antivirus security on the new one, printed off various holiday documents, booked the taxi for the airport, went shopping, fixed up to go out with sis and BiL for my birthday, fixed up a day out with friends for July.

It's been wet most of the day, and cold again.....we've had to put the heating on!!! It finally brightened up after tea, so we went out for a walk for an hour.

Taking youngest for hopefully his final follow up after his eye ops tomorrow.

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