Percy Pigs & the Penya.

We got up early (all totally shattered after this last weekend!) to spend the day with Hannah from 24-7 Prayer in the UK. It's her first tie in Ibiza, and she wanted to get a feel for Sa Penya...she was massively important during our months living in Guildford pre Ibiza, so it was special to have the day with her.

Then dropped her off at the centre where an AMAZING parcel was waiting for me from amazing blippers Hannahstar and Annabanana!! Thankyou so SO much for the card and Percy Pigs - I was and am, SO touched!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Wonderful blippers - virtual friends who definitely cross over into reality!
2) Wandering round parts of Sa Penya with Hannah - good to be home.
3) Danny being amazing! Had a call first thing saying there was a piece of paper we needed to get from the town hall as part of Asha's school application....and it had to be in by tomorrow! Danny went off and sorted it all, and in Catalan as well! What a man!

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