Owl be different for you today. Ain't I a hoot? Once again, I'm a juvenile Western Screech-owl. The fifth one in a row for you. I look a bit leaner and meaner, too. But don't doubt that I'm a sibling of the others. I might have hatched a few days before them!
Remember the fuzzier owls? They were in my mom's neighborhood, way up high. Those were definitely baby Great Horned owls. They will get to be huge.
As I said in a previous blip, at only about 16 cm, the Western Screech-owls will only get to about to 22 cm (8-1/2 in) tall with a wingspan of 76 cm (1-1/2 ft). Most are grey but some are brown. (This one is black and white. LOL) At times, their ear tufts will be prominent. At other times they will lie flat.
The previous three owl blips: yesterday, this one (with its tufts flat) and this bottoms up duo were all Western Screech-owls.
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