Danksound's Musing

By Danksound

Tourist Trap

I went to Camden today to meet a friend for lunch. I had a huge salad and fresh mint tea. Yummy!!!

A few people have asked me about the Juice Cleanse so I will give some information here for anyone interested.

I bought an App for my iPhone called 'Super Juice Me' and it gives 28 day video guidance and recipes for the juices and coaching. Well worth the cost.
I also bought an App called 'Super Charge Me' for a week on juice, soup and a meal each day which is a stand alone diet or to come off a juice fast. Also very good.
You can check it all out on this web site.

Jason Vale is the Juice Master you can also find him on UTube

A film well worth watching by Joe Cross is called 'Fat Sick and Nearly Dead'. It's on UTube I tried to put the link up but it didn't work for some weird reason. You will find it in search in UTube. The full film lasts 1.37 hr. A great watch.

Jason also has a very good Film out called 'Super Juice Me' but you may have to buy that. From time to time he gives free showings of it and if I see it I will post it up here so you can log in to watch.

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